What is CHO-Saathi?

CHO-Saathi – India’s first exclusive social hub for Community Health Officers (CHO)! Connect, collaborate, and thrive as you share experiences, gain insights, and expand your professional circle. Let’s unite to empower each other and transform the future of community healthcare across India!

Key Features

  • Stay Connected: Interact with CHOs from across the country as well as state wise.
  • Knowledge Hub: Access the latest resources, training materials, and updates, Helpful tools.
  • Exclusive Forums: Discuss challenges, share solutions, and get advice from peers.
  • Opportunities: Discover career growth opportunities and events tailored for CHOs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs about Community Health Officers (CHO).

Who is Community Health Officer (CHO)?

A Community Health Officer (CHO) or Mid-Level Health Provider (MLHP) in India plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between rural communities and the healthcare system. They are trained healthcare professionals, often posted at Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) under the government’s Ayushman Bharat Program, to deliver primary healthcare services.

What is the Education Qualification of Community Health Officer (CHO)?

Hold a B.Sc. in Nursing or Post-Basic B.Sc. in Nursing, or BAMS are trained in Community Health through a bridge program offered by the government. Receive additional training to manage public health programs and deliver essential healthcare services.

What is the Salary of a Community Health Officer (CHO)?

The salary of a Community Health Officer (CHO) in India varies depending on the state, healthcare program, and the candidate’s level of experience. Below are some general details:

Average Salary:
1. Entry-Level Salary: ₹25,000 to ₹40,000 per month.
2. Additional Incentives: In many states, CHOs are eligible for performance-based incentives ranging from ₹10,000 to ₹15,000 per month.

Community Health Officer (CHO) is Permanent job or Not?

The Community Health Officer (CHO) job in India can be either permanent or contractual, depending on the state. Some states offer CHO positions on a permanent basis, especially if the individual has successfully completed their probation period or fulfilled the required criteria (e.g., service length or performance benchmarks).

Community Health Officer (CHO) is a Doctor?

No, a Community Health Officer (CHO) is not a doctor but a mid-level healthcare provider (MLHP) trained to deliver primary healthcare services. While CHOs are highly skilled professionals, they do not have the qualifications or licensure to practice as doctors.